Friday, December 27, 2013

Dr. Strangelove - Water Flouridation

I watched Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" (1964) on Christmas 2013 for the first time and was totally caught by surprise with this scene about Water Flouridation.

Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol

My belief is that Mission Impossible and James Bond films are funded by tech and military technology companies and the movies are 2 hour commercial showcases / infomercials.  For instance, i read that BMW paid $10 million to have the BMW i8 in the movie.  So when I go to see these films, i am blocking out the plot and focusing on spotting the technology.  Mission Impossible 4 had a lot of technology in the 2 hour film.

Another blogger already made a great post describing the tech in more detail, and it can be found here.
Below are the notes i took while watching the movie.

  1. Portable Cushion Bomb to Jump off Buildings and have a safe landing.
  2. Medical: Eyes and Teeth inspection for identity
  3. Contact Lens that stores data
  4. Contact Lens that has facial recognition software for augmented reality
  5. Contact Lens that can scan documents and print them.
  6. Suitcase with printer inside that can wirelessly receive signal from contact lens
  7. Old looking pay phone where you type in a special code and it turns into a secret communications computer with eye recognition
  8. Balloon with camera for aerial spying
  9. Fake masks, and 3D printing
  10. The techniques they used to hack into the electronic prison system.
  11. The digital card entry card that broke the code to any lock
  12. The camera to look around corners that plugged into an iPad
  13. Strange acoustical sound generator
  14. Fake Wall Projection Unit
  15. The cover story for the Kremlin building bombing and the missile that didn't detonate in USA
  16. Secret computer compartment on the side of the train
  17. Surface Tablets
  18. The "Sticky" Gloves to climb buildings.  (Gecko Tape)
  19. Laser Gun
  20. Isotopes on paper or paperclip to track the paper and suitcase and the iphone app Cruise uses to track it
  21. The face machine (i dont know what it was for but there was a large face sculpture thing that looked electronic)
  22. Fake Arms
  23. Hover Robot
  24. Magnetic Levitation Suit
  25. Holographic Display in car
  26. The Car with all the tech in it BMW i8
  27. Electrical platforms to move cars in garage
  28. Nuclear Missile

Monday, September 9, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

------- Message From Friend --------

I watched Star Trek Into Darkness tonight

I felt I should share this with you.

Apparently, I am a Trekkie <sp>... I hate being a nerd but apparently I am a nerd/dork at heart. 

I wanted to share I have watched/loved Star Trek since I was six. But tonight I watched Star Trek "Into The Darkness" tonight I realized that Star Trek is a extremely politically charged. 

During the war we lost in Vietnam, the women's lib movement, the cold war, and the war against terror. Star Trek has conveyed the foreign policy of the United States in an entertaining fashion.......

Conveyed policy in 1966, Peace... but calming the bigger violent threats.

Then the Cold war, (next generation)

the vast period of peace under Clinton, (star Trek Voyager, Deep Space 9)

the terrorism threat... (Star Trek Enterprise)

and the threat we have now from our own trained assets under the current situation. (current Movies)

I wanna know your thoughts... I would much rather take a walk around the block or have a glass of scotch next to your canal... but Facebook is the only means of comms I have with anyone in the US.

----------- My Thoughts Below -----------------

Embrace the inner nerd. I wish i had embraced my inner nerd earlier than I did. As page one in Proverbs by King Solomon says "Knowledge Is Thy Life".

You are correct about Star Trek being politically charged. The Spock/Kirk juxtaposition is very politically charged. Spock spoke lines directly out of Das Capital and Communist Manifesto near the beginning of the film in the volcano scene. Kirk represents what was once the American man: Common sense smart, shooting from the hip/gut instinct, not intellectual, not perfect - but just, defiant towards structure, and ambitious, natural leader.

I've never heard the angle to the Star Trek series you presented, but when I was watching Star Trek Into Darkness at the MOSI IMAX Dome Theater in Tampa, Florida across from USF (the one with the Recyclosaurus) I had similar thoughts and felt like I was experiencing a different film than everyone else in the theater, but apparently similar to yours. 

Starfleet Admiral Alexander Marcus to me, represented the Neo-Conservative Agenda of the early 21st Century outlined in their publication "Rebuilding America's Defenses" found on I can't quite give a parallel for him teaming up with Khan except that Khan's philosophy represented Social Darwinism, a popular ideology at the turn of the 20th Century.

Khan's interaction with Spock represented Game Theory, and was (in my opinion) the highlight of the film.

The largest metaphor to Star Trek is Captain Kirk and Mr Spock's duality. At the end Captain Kirk became more like Spock and Spock became more like Captain Kirk. Politically, this means Capitalists became more like the Communists/Socialists, and The Communists/Socialists became more like the Capitalists. (We can point to USA/China as a comparison.

Then they threw in references to Nibiru in the movie. Nibiru in UFO folklore is the planet the Annunaki came from and they are the ones who seeded the Earth with humans as commodities/slaves to mine for gold to bring back to their planet (also known by the Sumerians as "The 12th Planet" but referred more to in modern day as Planet X - and this is credited as why Gold has such a sought after value, and why up until August 15, 1971, money was backed by Gold.

The Star Trek crew and philosophy represents what Americans think our military is for, as well as our place in the world as a beacon of Good. Starfleet Admiral Alexander Marcus and Khan is "what we have become." Similar to "The Comedian"'s character in The Watchmen when they were in the future shooting up the place being the world police. "This is the American Dream!"

Khan's character was the strongest character in the film. I think realistically he would've conquered them all. I'm fascinated with the truth behind Social Darwinism. I've been recently having William Graham Sumner's ideology (Social Darwinism) showing up in many of the college lectures i listen to in the car show up un-solicited. I think he was Ayn Rand's teacher. 

The movie became non-believable and borderline ridiculous near the end when the battle arrived on Earth.

There was much to be explored and paralleled with the torpedos to be launched at the planet and where the blame would go. It was also interesting that without Khan, the Star Trek crew would have met certain doom on the planet. The amount of allegory going on is worth volumes of discussion. I might need to see the movie again.

I'm going off of my memory from 3 months ago, and have seen quite a few movies in that time span which is causing my memory to be overwritten to have a clear memory of what I saw.

I will now re-examine Star Trek with the new lens you've provided. (i've always played Nerd-Party-Politics with Star Wars, and was on the The Jedi's side, but have found that there is much to be appreciated from Star Trek and from learning the Philosophy of The Sith as well.)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Elysium (2013) (Matt Damon, Jodi Foster)

Breakaway Civilization Utilizing Off-World Technology

G.I. Joe Retailiation

I saw G.I. joe Retaliation. And by that I mean I saw a demo of nanotechnology, flying insect weapons, gloves that burn through fences, retinal scanners, aquatic semi-conscious body storage, subterranean facilities, kitchen storage for weapons, remote controlled firearms, satellite to surface weapon of mass destruction, advanced suitcase nuke remote control, and other tech. They threw a storyline into it, but that's the filler to take your eyes off the prize(s).

Friday, May 3, 2013

Iron Man 3

The Mandarin Character was a fake terrorist used to advance the agenda of the real villain.

Kinda like Osama Bin Laden.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


  • There are parallels between this movie and
    • The Island
    • Moon (2009)
  • Parallels / themes include:
    • Clones
    • Drones
    • Unknowing Slaves
    • Clone workers with Implanted Memories/ Memory Erasing, 
    • The Falsehood of Radiation Zones to create artificial boundaries to keep people in.
    • The Lottery from Island/Going to Titan really being a death sentence, 
    • Questioning your origin
    • identical replacement clones.
The girl british character represents all of you who wish to keep your head in the sand and continue to serve your slave-master and avoid critical thinking thoughts.

In Time

  • Metaphor for Federal Reserve System
    • Inflation
      • Poor people received a generous donation and the elite raised inflation to eat up any gains they received.
    • Artificial Monetary System
    • Have's and Have Nots
  • Toll Booths
    • create a barrier to entry so that proletariat cannot afford to reach the elite.  
    • The tolls are too high and there are so many of them that any poor person could never afford to get to the place where the rich people live.  
    • The toll booths were also used for containment of the poor people, it was too expensive for them to leave where they live.
  • Artificial Scarcity
  • Time is Money

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Total Recall (2012)

·         Full Body Armor 
·         Electric Lassos 
·         Recurring Dreams 
·         Robot Cops 
·         Feidge 
·         G Force to Core 

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Hover Motorcycle
Silver Kilobars

The Forgotten

  • Selling out to the Aliens
  • Implanted Memories

Vanilla Sky

Implanted memories.
(26 minutes disk 2)

They Live

"We found one that can see."
OBEY, CONFORM, Marry and Reproduce

The Thirteenth Floor

Simulated Reality.
A simulation within the simulation.

"You weren't supposed to find out."

When D'Ofrio's character finds out that it's fake he starts going crazy.

The X-Files (Film)

X-Files movie informed about:

  • FEMA